Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Melfort Triathlon Club on the Go! - June 2010
How do you feel when you get one accomplishment done before breakfast? What about getting three accomplishments done before breakfast? Well, athletes in the Melfort Triathlon Club are getting three major things accomplished before the average person eats breakfast. These three things would include a distance swim, distance cycle and a distance run.
At the Moe's Triathlon in Saskatoon on June 7th, Lyle Bittman, Karen Hadwin, Michael Hadwin and Katie Bittman started off their triathlon racing season. Lyle and Karen competed in the short distance triathlon (500m swim, 10 km cycle, 5 km run). Lyle placed 38th in 1 hour 4 minutes while Karen placed 61st in 1 hour 12 minutes. Michael and Katie competed in the super short distance triathlon (300m swim, 6 km cycle, 2.5 run). Michael placed 4th in 38 minutes 48 seconds while Katie placed 29th in 53 minutes 6 seconds. Each of the athletes had strong performances during the race and eager to attempt upcoming triathlons this season.
Last weekend there were a series of triathlons geared for youth, junior athletes and adults. On Saturday, Curtis Glanville placed 3rd in his age category at the Kids of Steel Triathlon at Riversdale Pool in Saskatoon. Also, Keely Copeland-Hangs competed in the 10 year old category while younger sister Alexa competed in the 8 year old category. On Sunday during the junior race, Joel Glanville placed first in the 14-15 boys category in 54 minutes 23 seconds while Marissa Glanville placed 3rd in her age category in 55 minutes 3 seconds. In the sprint distance (750 m swim, 20 km cycle, 5 km run), Bill Glanville finished the race in 32rd place with a time of 1 hour 23 minutes. While in the standard distance (1500m swim, 40 km cycle, 10 km run), Lyle Bittman finished in 93th place with a time of 2 hours 57 minutes.
For these triathletes getting up very early in the morning and competing in a triathlon is totally worth it. The feeling of accomplishment following a triathlon is unbelievable. Members of the Melfort Triathlon Club will be set goals for competing in upcoming triathlons this season. If you have interested in triathlons, contact Bill Glanville or Harvey Weber.
Harvey Weber